Sounds a little one-sided, correct? I see it at least once a month. Parties obligated on a mortgage together divorce and the divorce agreement allows one to keep the house and pay the mortgage. There’s a standard “and indemnify and hold harmless” the other party, but no details on actually ending the mortgage obligation for the party who’s not living in the residence.
Inevitably, failing to break this bond in a divorce leads to financial bondage. Sooner or later, there’s a reason you want your name off of that mortgage. However, if there’s nothing in the agreement compelling the other side to act, so long as the mortgage is paid, the Court will very likely deny your efforts to modify the Order after the fact.
Don’t even get me started on how this issue divides new blended families. Your new husband or wife wants to move on, buy a house, start your new life together. Bad news…you can’t, because your debt to income ratio is eaten up with that mortgage you’re still tied to. If your new spouse can’t buy a house on their own, you’re stuck renting and at the mercy of your former spouse, who may or may not be pissed off that you have remarried and moved on. Ergo, you are well on the way to your next divorce.
Here’s a more detailed look at how one spouse can keep the marital residence without harming the other spouse:
Okay, Ron, we know you have an angle here. What are you trying to say? What I am telling you is that, sometimes, you and your estranged spouse are going to have to let go of the sentimental attachment you have to the marital residence and agree to sell it as a part of your divorce. Selling the home and dividing the equity is the only 100% method of completely severing the fiscal bonds you share when you’ve mortgaged a home together.
If you’re considering divorce, contact me at ron@mcbaylaw.com, (251)445-0891, or on Twitter at @rmac68. Together, we’ll work out an agreement that breaks the mortgage chains.
The post You keep the house, I’ll keep the mortgage. appeared first on The Law Offices of Teague and McBay.
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