This is the first blog I published, over two years ago. Here’s the updated version:
Divorce is very difficult. I know this. I have packed up a home. I’ve driven away in a rented truck, not knowing exactly when I would see my children again. As I was saying goodbye, my oldest, who was seven at the time, ask me, “why do you have to go?” I feel like I mumbled something utterly worthless and incoherent, kissed him again, and left. It is the most gut-wrenching experience I care to remember.
Divorce is very unhealthy. In the two years following moving out, while me and my ex-wife’s attorney sparred over the most inconsequential of issues, I experienced life-threatening health issues. I drank myself to sleep most nights and ate convenience foods. I put on twenty pounds. Only now, six years into my final marriage, am I righting the ship of my health.
Divorce can be expensive; especially if you cannot agree. Where there was one household to maintain, the are now two. There are two lawyers to pay. Visitation costs money. There are costs to division. Here’s a good first-person, open letter account of what one woman experienced in divorce:
If you can avoid divorce, do that. If you can’t, interview several attorneys before hiring one. Ask questions. Don’t rush. Make sure those questions get answers. Trust your instincts, make a decision, and move forward. Indecision in divorce, as in life, is the Mother of Adversity. Because I have been there, I can help you through this difficult process. Make sure I am on your list of attorneys to interview. Call me at (251)445-0891, or email me at ron@mcbaylaw.com.
The post Divorce is Difficult, Part Deaux appeared first on The Law Offices of Teague and McBay.
August 29, 2018
April 24, 2018
September 5, 2017